
Use the navigation menu below to see our competitor’s products and their sustainability certifications.
Product Name
Sustainability Certifications

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, LEED Certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, environmental management system certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, environmental management system certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, environmental management system certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management,environmental management system certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, environmental management system certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management , environmental management system certification

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

EPA Energy StarSmart Way Transport PartnershipLEED Cerifitcation ISO 14001 CerificationEPEAT

ENERGY STAR® rated products offer the economic benefit of energy efficiency without sacrificing performance. Our intelligent devices meet or exceed the ENERGY STAR® standards for imaging equipment, including the new low Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC). Features like Sleep Mode and Quick Startup and resource-saving options like Automatic Duplexing – while maintaining your productivity. In fact, we are a charter member of the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool designed to identify green imaging equipment and electronic devices.

Energy StarEPEAT2020 Design for Recycling Award

For office products and light production equipment, Xerox uses EPEAT® as the foundation of our Design for Environment program. EPEAT® is composed of criteria spanning corporate and product requirements (50+ requirements for imaging equipment). When a company and product meets these criteria, it must pass a third-party desk review.

EPEAT GoldAll Latitude PCs are EPEAT Gold registered, meeting the highest criteria standards according to the Global Electronics Council.

With EPEAT® Silver registration, the environmentally-friendly Aspire Vero is made with post-consumer recycled plastic.

The 13-inch MacBook Pro uses 75% less energy consumed than the ENERGY STAR® energy efficiency requirement.

AMOLED panels received the GREENGUARD gold certification for eco-conscious products by the Underwriters Laboratories for minimizing VOC emissions for improved indoor air quality. Finally, Galaxy Book2 Pro series packaging uses sustainably sourced paper boxes and mold trays.

Energy Star®80 PlusProduct Attribute to Impact Algorithm (PAIA) ProjectLenovo Energy CalculatorForest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified