An authentic marketplace experience delivering succinct messaging direct-to-consumer, the new HP SI Initiative demonstrates a streamlined dedication to sustainability through product, packaging, places, and people.


The HP Sustainable Impact Initiative will deliver the next evolution of HP Marketing in Sustainability. There will be a shift from the conventional, transactional nature in the messaging of products to a highly focused and unified platform generated around HP’s Sustainability. By launching the HP SI Initiative, marketing will rapidly evolve out of solely generating awareness and product interest. HP employees will gain the tools to navigate and conceptualize sustainability efforts internally. HP Consumers will be led through a journey of awareness through transparency, direct-to acquisition, activation, and retention of sustainably marketed products–– all in one seamless experience. To begin, the new customer journey needs to focus on these primary stages:

Awareness: Awareness is marketing’s strongest attribute in reaching customers with relevant sustainability messaging to generate interest.
Acquisition: The next stage is to acquire a consumer by converting the persona identified. Consumers aren’t identified by their general attributes, but by their concrete, factual information and interest in sustainability.
Activation:  In a revitalized CRM approach, HP SI will capture the acquired users and shift them into activated, environmentally conscious consumers.  A remarketing framework will be created to continue serving messages that focus on the retention of the consumers and turning them into advocates.
Advocacy: The final stage of the journey focuses on increasing user value over time and making consumers “advocates” which is a function of sales CRM data supplemented by deeper integration with analytics data.
Analytics: The analytics framework tracks awareness to acquisition to Advocacy to ensure we can measure every step of the journey and of every media source that focuses on sustainability to keep it integrated.
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Revitalized messaging through the scope of marketing will set the foundation for the future of all HP’s sustainably branded products. The HP SI Initiative will target and direct the new wave of environmentally and socially conscious consumers to a single-sourced platform, enhancing the visibility and growth of HP’s efforts in sustainability.

A current state of Disparity due to fragmented content, a lack of messaging cohesion, and gaps in the consumer journey. Next, a state of Relevancy with centralized content, cohesive messaging, an integrated consumer journey. Ultimately, a state of Ubiquity with Sustainable Impact centered at the brand, product evolutions and immersive experiences for all stakeholders.
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An audit identifies all information at a point in time; our approach is to build an evolving library of all touchpoints related to HP Sustainable Impact. With a web experience oriented to HP Marketing teams, the information becomes more accessible, actionable and inspires collaboration for teams to bring Sustainability into their everyday work.

Program Planning
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A program that is nimble in nature is beneficial as the world of Sustainability is constantly changing. Epik is executing on the initial review and distillation of information and ideation  — and through a continuation of the collaboration with the HP Sustainable Impact leadership, will craft a comprehensive plan of action to move the organization from Disparity to Relevancy to Ubiquity.

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An unwavering commitment to live and work sustainability is essential through the work on Sustainable Impact.  Epik Media, through our publication The Momentum, lives, breathes and creates vast arrays of Sustainable content and change in the industry. The Sustainability Sandbox is our collective area to collaborate on new ideas, innovations and marketing strategies to make the world a better place

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec te nemore aperiri delectus, iudico scripserit ei est. Eum vidit insolens in, detraxit scribentur at ius. Eam ea brute homero quaestio, eu mea pericula necessitatibus, ne eam tritani recusabo. Ea has odio perfecto delicatissimi, vis quodsi tincidunt eu, labitur accusata mea ea.